Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Those are the numbers to think about as you build or maintain your website. Ten seconds is how long visitors spend deciding if they even want to know you. Twenty seconds is how long it takes for them to choose to learn more. Thirty seconds? If your website holds their attention for that long, they are likely to explore, and more likely to go from visitor to customer. How do we get them past that thirty seconds? It's not with big letters or a giant stock photo of a pretend client. Nor is it a matter of listing your goods or services. We get them to stay by showing them how they benefit from saying yes to you. We do that by giving them exactly what they want and need: Content that's informative and packs a punch.
Websites & Rewrites
Just getting started on a new website? It may seem like a daunting task, but in fact, it's good news. You have the opportunity to get it right the first time with copy that packs the right kind of punch for your message. There's a right way to do this. Do you really need a writer? Can't the web developer write it? Can't you just do it yourself? Don't risk it. Why? Because there is more to writing web content than the words themselves. Amy's proprietary process helps you you identify your 80/20, create three personas (aka personae) to whom you'll speak, and refine the call to action that help will get the result you want. Ideally, you should get Amy to assist with your information architecture, which is the way your site is organized. The earlier, the better. She can work with your web developer. If you have a website already but know it needs a rewrite or update--whether that's the whole thing or just a page--Amy can help. Many past clients are startups wrote their own web copy early on but are now ready to invest in a new level of professional content. Others simply realize it's time to say something new. Either way, Amy can tailor her website content process so your updates achieve your goals.
Landing Pages & Gated Content
Have a special promotion or targeted message that falls outside your regular website content? Adding a landing page with a firm call to action is an effective way to shine a spotlight. Eager to build a mailing list or reputation as an expert generously sharing knowledge? Try offering gated content. You have probably already been part of the give and take of gated content: The e-books, guides, white papers, and articles a website offers you for download...if you provide your email address, which they then add to a mailing list. Gated content is a great investment for you: Invest in getting Amy to write it, and you'll have the piece to use as a freebie for your prospects and customers. You can repurpose white papers and case studies as gated content. And it's easy to come up with other ideas for e-booklets or even e-books. Amy can brainstorm with you to come up with ideas you can execute immediately or save for a later marketing phase.