Get it right. That's every writer's goal. "Sound like me." That is the goal of everyone who comes to Amy for help with their writing or editing, whether professional writers or others who don't have the time or talent to get it right. They don't have to. Amy takes their raw material and transforms it. Stop saying no when someone invites you to submit a guest blog post, op-ed, book chapter, or book proposal. Finally take the steps necessary to add "author" to your credentials. Make sure your document is properly formatted, with no errors interfering with the point you want to make.
Amy has long-form writing and editing experience in many fields including law, medicine, psychology, self-help, leadership, human resources, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. And she is well versed in the Chicago Manual of Style, American Medical Association Stylebook, the Associated Press Stylebook, and the Bluebook. Small business owners, authors, academics, organizations, and agencies realize that now more than ever, when it comes to the written word, little things add up to big things. Get Amy to make sure the focus is on your message, not your misspellings (or worse).
Articles, Case Studies, White Papers, & More
If you are preparing an article or essay for an academic journal, the publication editors will specify a set of formatting and stylistic preferences; the better your paper conforms, the less likely it is to land in the editor's no pile. Get Amy to ensure your paper meets their specs. Case studies are useful in a variety of settings: As a part of print marketing collateral, as college and graduate-school teaching tools, and for in-house training. Well-researched white papers provide a chance for you to show your expertise rather than telling your prospects and customers how good you are. Get Amy to assist you with these and other writing projects as a ghostwriter or editor.
Book Projects & Ghostwriting
Got a big idea you want to share with the world? Memories that keep crystallizing into a story worth telling? Already under contract with an academic or trade publisher but in need of assistance outlining, organizing, fleshing out, or finalizing your draft? Book publishing has never been easier—with publish-on-demand, Kindle, and e-book options as well as the traditional trade and academic channels. Amy is a seasoned book collaborator, with eight titles to her credit; she has assisted with many others. You can bring Amy in at any stage in the process.
Idea Session. Want to explore your book idea within a framework that sets you up to (finally) get your project under way? Get Amy to meet with you for a one-hour idea session. You'll leave with an action plan that sets the course for your book writing project, from research through publishing.
Book Proposals—A Good Exercise for All Authors. An effective book proposal follows a standard format comprising an annotated table of contents, compelling author bio, and well-researched marketing overview. (that's the hard part, and Amy does it well). Count on Amy to help you refine your concept and structure your book, whether you intend to self-publish, work with an academic or small publisher, or seek an agent with the hope of finding a trade publishing house. With a proposal in hand, you are more likely to make steady progress and actually finish writing your book. If Amy is ghostwriting your e-book or book project, a proposal helps ensure the two of you will be on the same page from start to finish.
Book or Article Ghostwriting. You know what you want to say, but you need someone to say it for you. Whether you're too busy to write or, like most people, find writing too challenging, ghostwriting is a great solution. Amy follows a proven process that takes the author from the idea stage to the finished manuscript or e-book, typically within six months. Book ghostwriting services are available at two price points: 125 pages and 200 pages. The services of a copy editor and proofreader are included in the fee. Book design and printing are not included. But you can get Amy to advise you.
Line Editing, Copyediting, & Proofreading
You've written something—an article or book chapter, an entire book, a newsletter, a blog entry, some marketing collateral, or even an important email. You want it to be perfect. You know it needs editing, but you may not be sure what editing really is or how to shop for it. Here's the lowdown on your editing options. Plus some reassurance: You don't need to fret about figuring out which service to choose. Amy offers free estimates, and that includes identifying exactly what your piece needs.
Line Editing. When you've gotten your thoughts into sentences and your sentences into a complete, if rough, draft, you can bring in a line editor to tighten up what you've generated. The line editor takes a roll-up-the-sleeves approach, marking not only the types of things a copy editor finds (see above), but also weighing in on things like how you have organized your piece. Should the third subhead section be the fifth? Would chapter six work better as chapter nine? Would customers respond better to your brochure if the back panel contained different information? If you are writing a book, you may wish to work with the line editor on and off over a period of months. Line editing's a workout. But your work is worth it. (If you find that creating a finished manuscript is too difficult or time-consuming, you may want to dispense with line editing and get Amy to ghostwrite your book.)
Copyediting. When you have said all you want to say, it's time to engage a copy editor. Copyediting smooths your final draft, catching errors such as typos and spelling mistakes, suggesting word changes, and correcting grammatical and syntax errors. The copy editor notes inconsistencies such as a change in a character's hair color or the spelling of a brand name (Cocacola/Coca-Cola) or repetitious phrases within a sentence, paragraph, or manuscript. Copyediting is focused and thorough and leaves your material free of errors, omissions, inconsistencies, and repetitions so it's ready to go to the proof stage. Copy editors do not suggest reordering paragraphs or chapters, nor do they rewrite sentences or passages.
Proofreading. Are you finished with your manuscript? Have you implemented the changes your copy editor suggested? If you feel like it's time to hit print, send, or submit, it's time to engage a proofreader. The proofreader will search and destroy typos, correct usage, and identify basic inconsistencies. The proofreader may mark incorrect usage but will not suggest alternative text. The proofreader does not conform the manuscript to a particular publishing style or assist with layout.